Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Mission

The purpose of this blog is to comment and analyze international news and events.

The guiding principle informing this commentary is a take on Socrates' Paradox which says that nobody does evil willingly applied to international affairs. My belief is also that a certain moral neutrality is necessary for a better understanding of events as they unfold and inscribe themselves against the background of historical change material and moral.

There are many voices to be heard on politics coming from the media and governments, but few have the luxury of not being partisan or not being otherwise polarized by the unconscious cultural narratives constituting their historical position. My goal is to add my voice to those few. It is not a matter of being "a-ideological" - that is impossible; rather, it is a matter of depth and an attempt to make the unconscious conscious.

While I will never refrain from advocacy, the disinterested pursuit of knowledge, and, principally, the desire to understand the "other side" of the story for a better global understanding will remain at the core of my reflection. I will often adopt the american point of view, but this is only because I live there.

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